Firearm Training Courses

Training is essential for any gun owner, or for those thinking about acquiring a firearm.  Observing and anticipating become key elements in any situation.   Don’t get caught unprepared.  

CONSIDER THIS: You may be walking out of the grocery store with your kids.  There was a guy inside the store that seemed odd to you and you’re now in the parking lot when you see the same guy outside talking to two other people, a couple, and they turn and look at you.  Another is approaching from the other direction.  Do you assume everything is fine and you’re just paranoid…  or are you observant and prepared?  

The experience Dean and our professional staff provide is invaluable in teaching you not only how to select the best firearm for you, how to use it and how to improve your aim, but how to observe your surroundings and anticipate potential areas of concern before they happen.  

Contact us for more details….we do custom training, either as a group or an individual.

Improved Shooting Techniques