Firearms Training with
Certified Trainers

Team of Professional USCCA Instructors

Concealed carry and
Home defense fundamentals

Team of Professional USCCA instructors

Women Handgun and
Self Defense Classes

Team of Professional USCCA Instructors

More and more, people are rightfully concerning themselves with their rights to protect themselves, their family and their property. Firearms can provide you with security to protect you and those around you, but only when you are properly equipped, trained and aware. That’s where we come in. Your success at security is more than merely ownership. We provide multiple services starting from help you select which firearm is best for you. Every user is different. What is good for the body builder warrior type or ex-Navy Seal is different than a petite female or elderly person. We consult with you to identify your goals and help you select a firearm that is suited to you specifically, in size, concealment and power.

We’ll train you on how to use that firearm. We have both individual classes as well as group classes. For fundamental gun safety, a church group or small group works great. We also train in shooting; how to hold the firearm and how to shoot accurately. If you’re pulling everything to the right 6 inches, we’ll help you bring it back in. We can train on gun safety, storage recommendations and even cleaning.

We’ll walk you through a plan as how to react if a burglar enters your home. You’ll have predetermined locations to store your firearm(s). We’ll discuss what to do and what to avoid. We can meet you at your home and walk thru different scenarios. We’ll even point out potential dangers where a person could hide or use as a point of attack or the most likely point of entry. Maybe that will lead to you addressing those areas, improving lighting or installing a security system or camera.

We also train on situational awareness. We need to understand the dangers of child abduction, theft, carjacking, and more. When you go to the grocery store, what should you be looking for? We know, you’re just trying to keep control of your three kids. But there may be someone else eyeing them too, and they are probably not working alone. We catch that strange vibe of the lurker, but how often, the lurker is just the decoy or scout and there’s another person lying in wait. Our goal is for you to be safe, along with your family, whether it be at your home, tucked in your bed, out at the store or amusement park or just taking in the town. We’ll address them all.

Trained & Certified Professionals

Dean Collier has been teaching people about firearms and security for 35 years, taking his first training class at the age of 14 and falling in love with the industry and wanting to share his passion with others.  Dean is from Morgan County and a US Army Veteran, former Security Specialist for the federal government and has worked closely with multiple local and federal law enforcement agencies. He’s also a former member of the Marion County Sheriff’s Department as a Special Deputy.

Dean is a certified USCCA Instructor for both Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals Course work as well as an authorized Range Safety officer.  His network of fellow experienced professionals and provides additional specialized training that you may desire.

Dean Collier

USCCA Certified Instructor

United States Concealed Carry Association

Avoid Danger, Save Lives & Keep Your Family Safe

Outdoor Shooting Range